Do You Have a Private Well?
An Algoma Water Utility resident that is connected to the municipal water system that does not abandon their private well must obtain a well permit to continue utilizing their private well.
Private Well Abandonment Procedures
If a resident chooses to abandon a private well and move to municipal water, a licensed driller or pump installer must perform the abandonment and complete the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resource’s well abandonment form. The form must be submitted to the Algoma Water Utility office within 10 business days of the abandonment completion. If you have questions or concerns about the well abandonment process, please contact us.
Well Abandonment Resources
There is a cost associated with abandoning an existing private well. The following is a list of grant and cost share programs that can help off-set the monetary cost associated with well abandonment:
Winnebago County Land and Water Conservation Department's Well Abandonment Cost Share Program
Visit: for more information and to apply for grants through the Department of Natural Resources.
Residential Private Well Permit Process
If you decide to keep your private well, you must obtain a $40 well operation permit from the Algoma Water Utility. The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (WDNR) requires:
How to obtain a well permit
Inspection by a licensed well driller or pump installer, and a completed copy of the NR 812 Compliance Report (WDNR Form #3300-305) on file with the Algoma Water Utility. If the inspection was completed as part of the home inspection for the sale of a house, we will also accept the Property Transfer Well(s) and Pressure System(s) Inspection form (WDNR Form #3300-221). Please Note: This inspection is required every 10 years.
One safe bacteriological sample result analyzed by a DNR-certified lab which the lab can mail or email to you once the test is completed. Certified labs in Winnebago County
A cross-connection inspection performed by a Water Utility Operator at no charge.